Ten of my clients' questions (and my answers) about ConvertKit.
11 days ago • 11 min readClient questions and my answers Every month, from several sources, I field questions about ConvertKit. Some are new and never asked (of me) before - and others are regulars that pop up quite often. I thought it would be helpful to share some of these with you so you can benefit from the questions asked, and from the answer I give for each one. The 10 questions are in no particular order, so jump in wherever you like! Do I need a domain to use ConvertKit? Is ConvertKit a CRM too? Is the...
READ POSTHow to create an email course as your lead magnet, using ConvertKit.
13 days ago • 7 min readTutorial: How to create an email course as your lead magnet, using ConvertKit. Firstly, just in case there's any doubt about what I'm referring to as an email course - it's a course that's delivered to your subscribers, via email, using automatically drip-fed content over a predetermined time; e.g. a series of 7 emails, drip-fed to each recipient at a rate of 1 email per day, starting whenever they join your subscriber list. There can be many elements to the content contained in the emails...
READ POSTThree reasons why you don't want to miss out on what ConvertKit's doing!
19 days ago • 5 min readThree reasons why you don't want to miss out on what ConvertKit's doing! Recently, there have been several, what I consider, relatively significant announcements and releases by the ConvertKit team. You get the sense that it's ready to take a seismic leap forward as a marketing platform. I've used many email marketing platforms (or email service providers) over the years, but never have I attached the same degree of affection to one as I do with ConvertKit. It just ticks the boxes when it...
READ POSTThe 4 core components of my small business and how they generate my income.
about 1 month ago • 5 min readThe 4 core components of my small business and how they generate my income. #1 Attention Engine In today's online world, 'attention' is the most valuable of currencies. If you're not able to capture the attention of your ideal targets among the passing traffic, you'll struggle. The two places small business owners most commonly seek attention are on social platforms and their websites - and in that regard, I'm no different. LinkedIn and my website I'm active on just one social platform and...
READ POSTHow to sell your freelance services using ConvertKit.
about 2 months ago • 5 min readHow to sell your freelance services using ConvertKit. What is ConvertKit? As one of many on the market today, ConvertKit is my preferred email marketing platform, one that I've been using for a few years. Started in Boise, Idaho in 2013 by Nathan Barry, it was his frustration with Mailchimp that incentivised him to take the plunge into the SaaS (Software as a Service) world and create an alternative that would be powerful in features yet simple to use. Amongst its ever-growing list of...
READ POSTEverything you need to get your first email subscriber using ConvertKit.
about 2 months ago • 7 min readPeople need a good reason to subscribe to your email list Nobody scrolls through social media or websites thinking... "I need more emails.". Subscribing to an email list happens only when a subscriber is convinced that enough value exists on the other side of that sign-up process. You've done it yourself, you'll be on LinkedIn, and you see someone sharing a post saying they are running a webinar next week showing you how to [fill the blank] - the only way to get access to the webinar is by...
READ POSTHow I integrate and use Scoreapp with ConvertKit to grow my email subscriber list.
about 2 months ago • 13 min readLeveraging ScoreApp to attract email subscribers What is ScoreApp? You may have heard of Daniel Priestley, he's an Australian entrepreneur who's now based in the UK. He mainly focuses on helping small business owners start and grow their businesses and offers various tools to assist that outcome - one of which is his software platform called 'ScoreApp'. Essentially, it's a quiz/assessment/test/scorecard* software platform that he sells using a SaaS** model, i.e. you pay a certain amount each...
READ POSTHow to personalise your subscribers' experiences using ConvertKit's 'polls'.
2 months ago • 5 min readSend more of what your subscribers want, using polls Arguably, the difference between a subscriber opening and reading your emails and reaching for that 'get me out of here' link, is how personal your messages 'sound'. To weave effective personalisation into your messaging, you need to collect zero-party data* from your subscribers - one of the simplest ways is by using 'polls' in your emails. (*zero-party data is personal data collected directly from subscribers, given voluntarily and...