Hi, I'm John - thanks for checking out my profile!

I'm here to help you design, build, & launch an effective email marketing system

Over the last three decades, I've owned many businesses across various sectors with each having a commonly shared core attribute - an effective email marketing system.

Starting with 'Office Autopilot' in 2008, I've used many email marketing platforms across all my businesses, but these days I only use ConvertKit as it has proven to be the most appropriate option for both my business and those of my clients.

There are 5 main activities that an effective content and email marketing system will do for you, and it's your job to ensure they happen consistently in your business - they're also the things I can help you with;

#1 Create attention among your passing traffic

Every day, across whichever social platforms you're most active on, and your website (if you have one), there are millions of people going about their days, focused on the most pressing (or interesting) challenges in their lives or businesses.

As they scroll on social or search on Google, it's your job to get in front of them with something that sparks interest.

#2 Collect interested leads as email subscribers

As you share your knowledge and expertise with your audiences, you'll find some people want access to your content that will help them overcome a particular challenge or problem.

By exchanging your content for their name and email address, you'll build your email list with your perfect prospects that you can eventually convert into paying clients.

#3 Nurture your email subscribers

Once on your email list, you need to establish and grow your relationship with each of your subscribers by providing continual value through personalised email campaigns, until they're ready to buy from you.

#4 Sell what your subscribers need, when they need it

Your subscribers join your email list when they recognise something of value that you have, and that they need (or want). You must have a sellable product or service that's aligned with their needs and have it ready for them to buy when they need it.

#5 Figure out what your clients need next and have it ready, at the right time

You must never leave your clients in a position where they can only buy from you once and then never return. If they do, that's your fault, not theirs. As a business owner, we are responsible for figuring out what our clients will need next and have it ready for them to buy, just when they need it.

If you're just getting started, or want to take your email marketing to a professional level where it generates you leads and converts them into clients, book a free 20-min call with me and I'll answer all the questions that are running around in your head.

It can be difficult getting started, so a helpful informal chat with someone who's been where you are can go a long way to helping overcome your challenges.

I look forward to speaking with you and learning more about what you want to achieve!

"Wonderfully clear, accessible and encouraging..."

"John's teaching style is wonderfully clear, accessible and encouraging and he goes above and beyond to answer questions, provide support and offer step-by-step demonstrations.
I really felt like I could ask anything and John was always there to help - from higher level strategy to technical trouble-shooting."